santos impopulares


Communication  the unpopular saints party, AGIL

St. Anthony is finished, St. Peter's is ending and St. John didin’t give us attentionWe wanted to pay tribute to the unpopular, those who lend themselves to the little evils, which are sometimes the greatest, such as ingrown nails or moisture problems. We wanted to throw them the party they never had.

On that Saturday afternoon, we dedicated ourselves to these mystical entities in which we place our longings, without hierarchizing themWhoever came was challenged to eat and drink, but also to design his own unpopular saint, dedicated to his evil or particular desireand still taking one of our tote bags, printed in screen printing, home.

Together with AGIL's Image team, it was necessary to create some graphic elements of communication among which: the poster of the event, the exhibition information boards, communication layouts for the digital platforms, tote bags... Was manipulated typography to create a title that stood out in communication and used holy figures in celebration, as a way of representing the unpopularity of the attitude of these characters.

Collaboration  ︎ André Pereira, Mariana Costa

Text ︎ David Calão

Photographs ︎ André Pereira