terceiras impressões


Production of an artistic residence project that resulted in an exhibition. It included the production of a VJ performance, a concert, a talk with the artist and a workshop. Partnership with Milha festival, 23 Milhas.

Terceiras Impressões began in May, at Ilustração à Vista, with the workshop Deambular, Observar, Intervir coordinated by Pilar Mackenna. This moment was seminal in the process of creation of the artist and AGIL, whose fertile soil was the streets and alleyways of the centre of Ílhavo, habitat of the ilhavense graphic association. In August, the artist developed her work in residence, studying the textures and patterns of the urban landscape which she used as raw material, as constitutive elements of new images through drawing. In October, AGIL took the cue to translate this whole process into a graphic object. What we can see in this exhibition will be the tip of this iceberg, the graphic object, but also the whole iceberg (or what is left of it and is material), the sketches, the photographs, the materials that witness this journey.

Collaboration ︎ Pilar Mackenna, R+, LUMi, 23 Milhas

Text ︎ David Calão

Photographs ︎ André Pereira, Rosa Silva

Press ︎ by O Ilhavense, Terra Nova and 23 Milhas